Introducing,! is Georgia’s no-compromise voice for gun owners.

GCO believes that citizens of Georgia and the United States have the right to own and carry the firearm of their choice for any reason other than to commit a crime.
GCO works tirelessly to ensure that the rights of gun owners are not compromised by the Georgia General Assembly, local officials, and those who ostensibly support gun rights while they work behind the scenes to erode our liberties. GCO is a non-partisan, grassroots organization, and GCO works for gun owners, not politicians. We are not interested in “access” or being “inside players.” We will not protect or make excuses for politicians who say they are our “friends” and then demonstrate otherwise by voting against us.

Public policy is controlled by the people who consistently show up and stay involved. GCO believes informed, active gun owners are the best defense against those who endeavor to infringe our liberties. To that end, GCO works tirelessly to keep our membership informed and active, and our members respond with equal passion and commitment.

If you want to be treated like a valued member of a winning team, not just a member number and a source of revenue, if you want to be involved in defeating anti-gun bills and promoting gun ownership as a right, GCO wants you.